Australian International Beer Awards Chairman, Peter Manders attests the increase in international winners to a growth in entries from top tier brewers from around the globe. “We were extremely impressed with the entries received at this year’s Awards. Now recognised on a global stage as the pre-eminent showcase for premium beer and brewing excellence in the Asia Pacific region, the international dominance has not come as a surprise, receiving more and more high calibre international entries each year,” said Mr Manders.
This event held in Melbourne is for brewers of commercial and boutique beers and is not to be missed. The beers are tested over two weeks by a panel of 30 judges and as you can imagine is a lot to be drunk!.

I think is always good to know how your favourite is doing on the world stage. everyone has "their" beer that they love, but I would say that these results are a really good inspiration to try more "good ones", those ones on the shelfes that you just often look at, maybe you might want to try them now.
It surprised me that in this year's competition, that not only Kross (Southern Brewing Company S.A.) won medals for Chile. There were other breweries, such as: Salzburg (Cervezas Artesanales S.A) and Szot Microbrewery.
The 3 breweries received :
1 Gold ( Szot 1000 dias Strong Ale)
3 Silver ( Kross 5, Kross Golden Ale, Kross Pilsner)
4 Bronze ( Kross Stout, Salzburg Doppelbock, Szot Stout, Szot Imperial Stout)
It's great to see that is something good is coming from my country in the beer world and that they are being recognized on an international level.
The global tendency of emerging breweries is spreading all over and the increasing number of entries in the AIBA shows that.
Keep up the good work brewers out there !!!
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